导读:1. Dragonball (1)2. KaZaA (64)3. Tattoos (4)4. Britney Spears (2)5. Morpheus (21)6. NFL (16)7. IRS (6)8. Halloween (20)9. Christmas (17)10. Pamela Anderson (11) 11. Las Vegas (12)12. Anna Kournikova (26)13. Harry Potter (14)14. Taxes (24)15. Lor

1. Dragonball (1)
2. KaZaA (64)
3. Tattoos (4)
4. Britney Spears (2)
5. Morpheus (21)
6. NFL (16)
7. IRS (6)
8. Halloween (20)
9. Christmas (17)
10. Pamela Anderson (11)

11. Las Vegas (12)
12. Anna Kournikova (26)
13. Harry Potter (14)
14. Taxes (24)
15. Lord of the Rings (50)
16. Final Fantasy (13)
17. Winter Olympics (-)
18. WWE (10)
19. Grand Theft Auto 3 / Vice City (-)
20. Chu Mei-Feng (-)

21. The Bible (18)
22. Marijuana (23)
23. NASCAR (22)
24. Jennifer Lopez (15)
25. Spider-Man (-)
26. Playstation 2 (32)
27. Star Wars (59)
28. Baseball (30)
29. Eminem (34)
30. World Trade Center (8)

31. Shakira (-)
32. Yu-Gi-Oh! (-)
33. September 11 (-)
34. Brooke Burke (90)
35. Golf (19)
36. The Sims (35)
37. NBA (42)
38. New York City (27)
39. Prom Dresses (75)
40. Anorexia (-)

41. Pokemon (7)
42. Halloween Costumes (56)
43. Skateboarding (29)
44. World War II (49)
45. Nelly (-)
46. Survivor (31)
47. Valentine’s Day (51)
48. College Basketball (-)
49. Napster (3)
50. Super Bowl (-)

51. Civil War (-)
52. Greek Mythology (78)
53. Xbox (99)
54. Martha Stewart (79)
55. Christina Aguilera (61)
56. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (63)
57. WinMX (-)
58. Mortgage Rates (44)
59. The Simpsons (33)
60. Osama bin Laden (5)

61. Chicago (-)
62. Powerball (76)
63. Star Trek (40)
64. Tupac Shakur (55)
65. William Shakespeare (57)
66. Martin Luther King, Jr. (94)
67. Barbie (84)
68. Linkin Park (-)
69. Diabetes (-)
70. Oprah Winfrey (93)

71. Cloning (-)
72. Paris (65)
73. Easter (66)
74. Audiogalaxy (53)
75. Prom Hairstyles (-)
76. Atkins Diet (-)
77. NASA (41)
78. Neopets (70)
79. London (67)
80. Aaliyah (93)

81. Halle Berry (-)
82. Avril Lavigne (-)
83. Resident Evil (-)
84. Diablo II (38)
85. Pink (-)
86. Ja Rule (-)
87. Diets (43)
88. Enron (-)
89. Orlando Bloom (-)
90. Carmen Electra (45)

91. Elvis Presley (-)
92. Kylie Minogue (-)
93. Half-Life Counter-Strike (46)
94. Soccer (83)
95. Weight Watchers (-)
96. Big Brother (25)
97. California Lottery (-)
98. College Football (-)
99. Ashanti (-)
100. West Nile Virus (-)

2001年度搜索TOP 100

1. Dragonball (2)
2. Britney Spears (1)
3. Napster (8)
4. Tattoos (7)
5. Osama bin Laden (-)
6. IRS (23)
7. Pokemon (3)
8. World Trade Center (-)
9. Nostradamus (-)
10. WWF (4)

11. Pamela Anderson (6)
12. Las Vegas (13)
13. Final Fantasy (17)
14. Harry Potter (38)
15. Jennifer Lopez (9)
16. NFL (11)
17. Christmas (16)
18. The Bible (25)
19. Golf (40)
20. Halloween (19)

21. Morpheus (-)
22. NASCAR (28)
23. Marijuana (20)
24. Taxes (-)
25. Big Brother (21)
26. Anna Kournikova (18)
27. New York City (-)
28. Gnutella (81)
29. Skateboarding (36)
30. Baseball (22)

31. Survivor (46)
32. Playstation 2 (73)
33. The Simpsons (29)
34. Eminem (15)
35. The Sims (54)
36. ’N Sync (5)
37. American Flag (-)
38. Diablo II (41)
39. Madonna (37)
40. Star Trek (68)

41. NASA (51)
42. NBA (39)
43. Diets (-)
44. Mortgage Rates (-)
45. Carmen Electra (42)
46. Half-Life Counter-Strike (-)
47. Angelina Jolie (-)
48. Digimon (35)
49. World War II (-)
50. Lord of the Rings (-)

51. Valentine’s Day (44)
52. Destiny’s Child (95)
53. Audiogalaxy (-)
54. Tomb Raider (-)
55. Tupac Shakur (47)
56. Costumes (-)
57. Shakespeare (52)
58. Backstreet Boys (14)
59. Star Wars (50)
60. Ellis Island (-)

61. Christina Aguilera (24)
62. Limp Bizkit (48)
63. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (93)
64. KaZaA (-)
65. Paris (-)
66. Easter (-)
67. London (-)
68. The Beatles (87)
69. Blink-182 (45)
70. Neopets (-)

71. Pearl Harbor (-)
72. Sailor Moon (27)
73. Afghanistan (-)
74. Anthrax (-)
75. Prom Dresses (-)
76. Powerball (-)
77. Dale Earnhardt (-)
78. Greek Mythology (53)
79. Martha Stewart (67)
80. Metallica (34)

81. Viagra (96)
82. South Park (33)
83. Soccer (55)
84. Barbie (64)
85. Terrorism (-)
86. FBI (-)
87. Howard Stern (90)
88. Slipknot (94)
89. Windows XP (-)
90. Brooke Burke (-)

91. The Holocaust (-)
92. Islam (-)
93. Oprah Winfrey (74)
94. Martin Luther King (75)
95. Science Fair Projects (58)
96. Aaliyah (-)
97. Winnie the Pooh (-)
98. Adolf Hitler (83)
99. Xbox (-)
100. Mariah Carey (43)
