
  • 对行业内相关的专家、厂商、渠道商、业务(销售)人员及客户进行访谈,获取最新的一手市场资料;
  • 艾凯咨询集团对长期监测采集的数据资料;
  • 行业协会、国家统计局、海关总署、国家发改委、工商总局等政府部门和官方机构的数据与资料;
  • 行业公开信息;
  • 行业企业及上、下游企业的季报、年报和其它公开信息;
  • 各类中英文期刊数据库、图书馆、科研院所、高等院校的文献资料;
  • 行业资深专家公开发表的观点;
  • 对行业的重要数据指标进行连续性对比,反映行业发展趋势;
  • 通过专家咨询、小组讨论、桌面研究等方法对核心数据和观点进行反复论证。


China Insurance Industry Report, 2007
1 Overall Development of the Industry..........4
1.1 Growth Rate Faster Than GDP Keeps Pace With Foreign Level ....4
1.2 Analysis on Life Insurance ..................6
1.2.1 An Unsustainable Crowding-out Effect of Capital Market .....8
1.2.2 A Minor Influence of Interest Rate on the Trend of Premium Growth .........8
1.2.3 Consumption Upgrading Promotes Industry Development...9
1.2.4 Product Innovations Cope With Situation Changes............10
1.3 Analysis on Property Insurance......... 11
1.4 Industry Still in the Initial Stage of Development......13
1.5 Industry Supervision....14
2 Market and Business Structure ................17
2.1 Market Structure.........17
2.2 Business Structure ......19
2.3 Analysis on Payment...20
3 Capital Expansion of the Industry ............22
3.1 Assets Expansion and Optimization of Investment Structure ........22
3.2 Increment of Capital Investment........25
3.3 Investment Channels Gradually Unlash and the Capital Advantage Appears More Obvious. ...29
3.4 Analysis on Fixed-Income Investments ...................32
3.4.1 Added Interest Income From Current Fixed-Income Investments ............32
3.4.2 Interest Income Increased due to Newly-Added Premium Investments ...35
3.4.3 Income per Share Increases due to Interest Rate Rises....37
3.4.4 Reduction and Exemption of Interest Tax.....39
4 Analysis on the Advantages of China Life Insurance and China Ping An...............40
4.1 Competitive Advantages of China Life Insurance....40
4.2 Main Competitive Advantages of China Ping An .....41
Chart Index:
Comparison between Premium Growth and GDP Growth, 2001-2006 .4
Growth Comparison between the Insurance Industry of China and that of Main Developed Countries
Growth Comparison between the Insurance Industry of China and that of Emerging Markets .........6
Growth Trend of Life Insurance Premiums in a Single Month of 2007 ..7
Growth Trend of Accumulated Life Insurance Premiums in 2007..........7
Growth Rates of Life Insurance Premiums in 2001-2007Q1.................9
Changes in 1-Year Loan Interest Rate ......9
In-Depth Analysis of Insurance ...............13
Density Analysis of Insurance .................13
Proportion of Insurance Assets against the Total Financial Assets......14
Framework of Solvency Supervision of Insurance Companies ...........16
Market Shares of China Life Insurance Company and Ping An Insurance Company of China .......18
Market Shares of Major Life Insurance Companies ......18
Market Shares of Major Property Insurance Companies.....................19
Business Structures of China Life Insurance and China Ping An ........20
Payment of Insurance Industry ...............21
Statistics of Insurance Assets..................23
Proportions of National Debts and Bank Deposits against the Total Assets ..............24
Proportion of Equity Investments of China Life Insurance...................24
Proportion of Equity Investments of China Ping An.......25
Increment of Equity Investments of China Life Insurance (I)...............26
Increment of Equity Investments of China Life Insurance (II)..............27
Increment of Equity Investments of China Ping An (I) ...28
Increment of Equity Investments of China Ping An (II) ..29
Investment Return Ratio of Insurance Funds................30
Gradual Unlashing of Investment Channels of Insurance Funds ........31
Added Interest Income from Current Fixed-Income Investments of China Life Insurance due to
Interest Rate Rises ....34
Added Interest Income from Current Fixed-Income Investments of China Ping An due to Interest
Rate Rises .................35
Added Interest Income from Newly-Added Premium Investments of China Life Insurance due to
Interest Rate Rises ....36
Added Interest Income from Newly-Added Premium Investments of China Ping An due to Interest
Rate Rises .................37
Added Income per Share of China Life Insurance due to Interest Rate Rises ..........38
Added Income per Share of China Ping An due to Interest Rate Rises ....................39
