导读:光纤,FTTH Abstract Overview For a greenfield FTTH rollout, civil engineering is by far the largest cost item. Drawing on in-depth knowledge of FTTx cost models, IDATE examines solutions that can help bring down civil engineering costs, based on


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FTTH rollouts



For a greenfield FTTH rollout, civil engineering is by far the largest cost item.

Drawing on in-depth knowledge of FTTx cost models, IDATE examines solutions that can help bring down civil engineering costs, based on rollout experiences in the most advanced markets.

This report is a part of the "FFTx Watch Service", the continuous On-line service of IDATE on the World Ultra Broadband Market.

Key questions

What is civil engineering’s real weight in the equation?

• Is ensuring access to incumbent carriers’ ducts the most promising solution?

• Can overhead deployment solutions used in the United States and Japan be adapted to Europe ?

• What are the advantages and drawbacks of lighter civil engineering solutions (e.g. micro-trenches)?

• Can local authorities help promote large-scale FTTH rollouts in the medium term?

• Does shared private investment have a future?


1. FTTH business model: civil engineering’s weight in the equation

1.1. Structure of the FTTx model

1.2. Technical parameters

1.3. The weight of civil engineering in the equation

1.4. Housing structure: France vs. the UK

2. Duct sharing

2.1. Role played by the incumbent

2.2. Technical and regulatory issues

2.3. Case studies Portugal
• Portugal
• France
• The Netherlands
• Canada

2.4. Other OECD countries
• Australia
• Austria
• The Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Finland
• South Korea
• United-States

3. Aerial deployments: a feasible solution?

3.1. Overhead fibre optic rollouts on electrical networks • A host of parties involved
• Technical aspects
• Service lines

3.2. Overhead deployments on telecom and cable networks

3.3. Examples of aerial deployments

4. Role played by local authorities

4.1. Coordination of civil engineering works

4.2. Building open access networks
• The Swedish example
• Elsewhere in Europe

5. Role played by infrastructure providers and progress made in civil engineering techniques

5.1. Innovative rollout procedures and techniques
• The micro-trench technique
• Deployment in non-visitable sewers
• Example of an innovative solution: Kerb-IT

5.2. Role played by infrastructure owners
• Reggefiber
• H2O Networks

6. Annex

6.1. Dark fibre: the Japanese example

6.2. Bitstream: an ideal solution for reducing alternative operators’ civil engineering costs?

6.3. Last mile: who should pay?

