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- 各类中英文期刊数据库、图书馆、科研院所、高等院校的文献资料;
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US imports of textiles and clothing grew by only 1.8% in 2007?to 53.1 bn sme (square metres equivalent) ?following a 2.6% increase in 2006 and double-digit growth in seven of the nine years between 1996 and 2005. Within the 2007 total, imports of made-up textiles rose by 4.5% and apparel by 3.5%. But fabric imports fell by 2.9% and yarn imports by 9.8%. Apparel continued to account for the highest share of total imports, at 43.9%, reflecting strong US demand for cheap clothing. However, the importance of made-up textiles increased for the tenth successive year. In fact, the share of made-up textiles doubled between 1997 and 2007, from 16.8% to 33.7%.
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Import growth Import prices Influence of the US economy on imports US IMPORTS OF TEXTILES AND CLOTHING BY MAIN CATEGORY: YARNS, FABRICS, APPAREL AND MADE-UP TEXTILES US IMPORTS OF TEXTILES AND CLOTHING BY FIBRE TYPE MAJOR SUPPLIERS OF US TEXTILE AND CLOTHING IMPORTS China Impact of the global elimination of quotas and the introduction of safeguard quotas on US imports from China Nafta countries: Mexico and Canada CAFTA-DR and CBI countries Asean South Asia Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan US TEXTILE AND CLOTHING IMPORT PRICES SUPPLIER CONCENTRATION OUTLOOK FOR US TEXTILE AND CLOTHING IMPORTS US IMPORTS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON COATS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' COTTON COATS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' WOOL COATS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF COTTON DRESSES General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON KNITTED SHIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' COTTON KNITTED SHIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON NON-KNITTED (WOVEN) SHIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' COTTON NON-KNITTED (WOVEN) SHIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF COTTON SKIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF MAN-MADE FIBRE SKIRTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import prices US IMPORTS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON TROUSERS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' COTTON TROUSERS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF COTTON AND MAN-MADE FIBRE BABY GARMENTS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF COTTON PILE TOWELS General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices US IMPORTS OF OTHER COTTON APPAREL General trends The top ten supplying countries Import trends by supplying country Import prices APPENDIX: EXCHANGE RATES AND THE PHASING-OUT OF QUOTAS Exchange rates The phasing-out of quotas STATISTICAL APPENDIX