
  • 对行业内相关的专家、厂商、渠道商、业务(销售)人员及客户进行访谈,获取最新的一手市场资料;
  • 艾凯咨询集团对长期监测采集的数据资料;
  • 行业协会、国家统计局、海关总署、国家发改委、工商总局等政府部门和官方机构的数据与资料;
  • 行业公开信息;
  • 行业企业及上、下游企业的季报、年报和其它公开信息;
  • 各类中英文期刊数据库、图书馆、科研院所、高等院校的文献资料;
  • 行业资深专家公开发表的观点;
  • 对行业的重要数据指标进行连续性对比,反映行业发展趋势;
  • 通过专家咨询、小组讨论、桌面研究等方法对核心数据和观点进行反复论证。




This report offers a comprehensive picture of the furniture sector in China and Hong Kong, providing trends in furniture production and consumption, furniture imports and exports, prices. Factors determining the demand for furniture are examined, as well as furniture distribution and furniture supply structure.

Chinese furniture production, consumption, imports, exports are broken down by product (upholstered furniture, bedrooms, kitchen furniture, other household furniture),

The Chinese furniture supply structure is analysed, with data on employment and major furniture production poles. Short profiles are provided for the main Chinese furniture manufacturers of office furniture and household furniture (upholstery, bedrooms, kitchens) with turnover, employees, market shares, product mix.

The analysis of furniture distribution channels covers: department stores, large specialist outlets, specialty stores, franchising, direct sales. The report also provides an analysis of furniture retail prices for both household furniture and office furniture.

Chinese and Hong Kong furniture imports and exports are broken down by country and product (office furniture, kitchen furniture, upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, seats parts and parts of furniture).

The wood and forestry sector is also considered: imports and exports data are provided for the main semi-finished wood products (sawnwood, wood-based panels). Woodworking machinery imports and exports from the main partner countries are included.

Among the considered products: office furniture, home furniture (household furniture), kitchen furniture, upholstered furniture (sofas and armchairs), non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture (wardrobes, beds), children's rooms furniture, dining room furniture, living room furniture, bathroom furniture, seats parts, parts of furniture, sawnwood, wood-based panels, plywood, veneer sheets, particle board panels, fibreboard panels, MDF (medium density fibreboard), woodworking machinery.


China. Furniture industry summary
Furniture production, consumption, imports, exports
Economic indicators, furniture consumption forecasts, main furniture trading partners
China. Forest resources, semi-finished wood products, technology
Chinese forest resources: basic data
Production, imports, exports and consumption of semi-finished wood products
Woodworking machinery imports and exports, trend 2002-2007
China. Furniture sector basic data and performance
Trends in the furniture sector (1998-2007): production, consumption, imports, exports
Openness of the Chinese furniture market
Furniture production in China:
- furniture production system
- strengths and weaknesse of Chinese furniture industry
- future prospects
Furniture supply structure:
- furniture production and exports by province
- transport network
- furniture supply by segment: home, office, kitchen, upholstered furniture
China. Leading furniture companies
Company profiles of the major Chinese furniture producers:
- detailed address, activity, main production, brands
- history, financial highlights, manufacturing process, products
- certification, marketing policies, distribution channels, export markets
China. Furniture demand and consumption
Furniture consumption analysis:
- performance 1998-2007
- home and office furniture consumption
- kitchen, household and upholstered furniture consumption
Factors determining the demand for furniture
Consumer prices
Construction sector
China. Furniture distribution
Top 10 hypermarket chain operators: sales and numer of stores
Wholesale sales and retail in the furniture sector
Distribution channels for imported furniture
Sector fairs and press
China. International trade of furniture
Furniture exports, imports and trade balance, trend 1998-2007
Furniture exports and imports by country and product:
- office furniture
- kitchen furniture
- upholstered furniture
- non-upholstered seats
- bedroom furniture
- seats parts
- furniture parts
Hong Kong. Furniture industry summary
Furniture production, consumption, imports, exports
Economic indicators, furniture consumption forecasts, main furniture trading partners
Hong Kong. Semi-finished wood products and technology
Hong Kong. Furniture sector basic data and performance
Trends in the furniture sector (1998-2007): production, consumption, imports, exports
Hong Kong. Leading furniture companies
Company profiles of the major furniture manufacturers:
- detailed address, activity, main production, brands
- history, financial highlights, manufacturing process, products
- certification, marketing policies, distribution channels, export markets
Hong Kong. International trade of furniture
Furniture exports, imports and trade balance, trend 1998-2007
Furniture exports and imports by country and product, 2002-2007:
- office furniture
- kitchen furniture
- upholstered furniture
- non-upholstered seats
- bedroom furniture
- seats parts
- furniture parts


Armola Furniture, Beking Furniture, Calo, DeCoro, Fotile Kitchen Ware, Guangming, HuaWeiMei Group, Jade Rattan Furniture, Kinwai International Furniture Co, Ltd, Lamex Holdings Ltd, Markor International Furniture Ltd, Norya Furniture Co Ltd, Oupai Kitchen Cabinet Enterprise Co Ltd, Posh Furniture Co, Ltd, Quanu Furniture, Royal Furniture Holding Co Ltd, Suibao, Tiantan, U'York International - Ood Furniture, Violino, Wanvog Furniture Co Ltd, Xilinmen Group Co Ltd, Yadier Industry Co Ltd, ZuoYou Furniture Co Ltd.


All Csil reports are based on Csil's original research, undertaken by Csil's team of in-house researchers. Sources include: personal and telephone interviews, trade magazines, trade associations, company annual reports, product brochures, directories, Csil's databases, official statistical sources.
