摘要 Challenges related to the complexity and scaling of the service edge are occurring at a time when new technological approaches to combining performance a…
摘要 在社交网络出现在美国的过去13年中,它已经积累了大量的风险投资并且已吸引到了年轻一代互联网用户的兴趣。尽管社交网络在越来越流行,但收入却仍没有达到预期…
一、互联网信息服务行业简介 8 (一) 互联网信息服务行业定义及范围界定 8 (二) 互联网信息服务行业发展历史回顾 8 1、互联网信息服务行业接入为主的阶段 8 2、互联网信息服…
摘要 This study examines the recent changes in TV markets from the perspective of satellite as a broadcasting network in national television markets, together…
摘要 移动互联网有着移动通信和互联网的先进技术,是移动通信和互联网融合的产物。手机用户通过移动接入,随时获取互联网的信息和内容,实现手机和互联网无缝对接,开拓了…
摘要 While voice, messaging, music and Internet are increasingly adopted across both fixed and mobile contexts, television remains the last of the classic ent…
摘要 The "Middle Kingdom" has long attracted the satellite industry with a set a demographics that seems to make it an ideal market: large and diver…
摘要 This study presents an indepth analysis of the U.S. SONET services market. Within this analysis, the author has identified market challenges, restraints,…
摘要 Video applications over broadband have emerged over the last couple years as Internet media companies and content producers seek to exploit the added spe…
中国手机支付的应用前景与机会分析 研究背景 随着中国移动集团重新启动B2C小额支付、中国联通与诺基亚NFC手机支付项目在上海试运营、国内最大的网络零售淘宝网携手支…
2009年中国宽带市场趋势观察研究报告 前 言 市场现状 2007年,我国宽带接入市场继续保持快速增长,到2007年底,累计用户达到6647万,是全球第二大宽带市场。…